Ivan Veselov specializes in acting for clients in the following types of court case:
- Property rights protection disputes;
- Corporate disputes (siphoning of assets, “seizure” of control, etc.);
- Disputes arising out of contractual obligations (lease, leasing, contractor work, sale and purchase, insurance) and invalidation of contracts;
- Disputes over supporting developers’ interests (including disputes with state authorities);
- Litigation support in bankruptcy proceedings.
Given the constantly changing legislation and court approaches, as the head of a team of strong lawyers, Ivan is willing to develop and implement original and proactive strategies for precisely achieving the clients’ objectives.
Ivan has contributed to a number of high-profile bankruptcy cases heard both in Russia and abroad, acting both on the creditor side and for debtors and receivers. Relying on the highly successful strategies they developed for countering unscrupulous debtors and safeguarding the interests of parties to bankruptcy proceedings, Ivan and his team efficiently handle this kind of dispute and save valuable time for clients.